Monday Motivation: Begin Anew


Happy New Year! Praying for abundant blessings for you and your family as we begin a new year.

May the love of Christ abide in you,

The peace of Christ surround ,

The joy of Christ abound,

The hope of Christ light your way, today and always.




Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17 – NIV


Begin Anew


A new day, a new year.

Let me begin with love.

Overflowing kindness,

Soothing compassion,

Generous giving.


Let me walk in peace,

Humble steps,

Gentle spirit,

Undivided heart.


Let me sing for joy,

Face glowing with gratitude,

Lips poised in praise,

Eyes shining with promise.


With Christ in my soul,

Love in my heart,

Peace in my stance,

Joy in my countenance,

Let me live in hope.


-APS 1/1/2022



Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

Psalm 100:1-2 – NIV



O God Of Grace and Goodness, welcome us into a new year, filling us with hope, surrounding us in peace. Open our hearts to love one another. Let kindness flow and compassion soothe. Show us how to let go of cynicism and criticalness. Restore our positivity, our tenderness, our mutual respect. Lord, let us sing Your praises. Let us shout for joy at Your abundant blessings. In You, Lord, let us live in hope.

In the Glorious Name of Jesus, we give all thanks and praise,



New Year’s Blessings,



-APS 1/3/2022

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